Monday, November 25, 2019

How To Do Social Media Marketing So Influencers Notice You

influencers in social media marketingWhen doing any social media marketing, one of the best ways to be successful is by targeting influencers. When an influencer notices you and likes your work, they can do wonders for your business. They can help your business growth and the more they like your work, the faster your business grows. Have you noticed how quickly some businesses have content that “goes viral” and get hundreds of likes and followers almost instantly? This is the benefit of being noticed and recommended by influencers.

Business coaches regularly talk about influencer marketing as part of a social media marketing strategy. This will involve trying to engage with social media marketing influencers organically. One recommendation is all you need start with and the rest will follow if your content is worth it and what you are selling is something people connect with.

To Attract Social Media Marketing Influencers You Need To Stand Out

Because so many marketers vying for the influencers’ attention, it makes it even harder to do it. Most influencers probably get hundreds of mails, messages, voicemails with thousands of people sharing their content. It must seem almost impossible to get through. However, here are few ways to get social media marketing influencers to notice you:

  1. Be Strategic: The first step to get the right influencers to notice you is by researching the best ones for your market. It would undoubtedly be of great advantage to you someone like Neil Patel and/or Jeff Bullas could be attracted in. Although it’s not impossible, we need to be realistic here. These guys are the “big guns” and reaching out to them would be very difficult in most circumstances, unless of course you have unbeatable material that they couldn’t ignore. Remember that they also had to start somewhere, and with the knowledge that small steps can lead to great things, why don’t you try targeting smaller influencers? They are less competitive it’s easier to get their attention. Another benefit is there are more of them and you can reach out to the right influencer that fits you and your brand. The only drawback, if there is one, is that a famous influencer can get you in front of 500,000 people, a less famous influencer can only a 10th of that. But if a smaller influencer can still deliver results, where the work involved to be noticed by the more famous will take you 100 times more of your valuable time with no results while you do that, there is a benefit to taking the easier option isn’t there?
  2. Use the Right Mindset: Approaching small influencers will get you noticed but there are a few things that you should keep in mind. That is, how to talk to an influencer. It’s important to talk to influencers the right way. This means you need to think of them in the right way. Inshort, try to befriend them and not approach them with any kind of sales pitch – they are human beings too.
  3. Find Them: You will find lots of influencers if know your niche well. There are also many tools to help you find potential influencers.
  4. Make a Short List: Before you start, make a list of 20 or so relevant influencers you want to reach out to. Having a shortlist helps you focus on which influencers can help you. It also gives you time to build relationships with the people who matter.
  5. Make Your Move: Ok, so you have finished the steps above and now you need to make your move. The relationship building is the next part, so here’s what you do:
  • Find and follow them on every social media platform
  • Get onto their email list and subscribe to their RSS feed
  • Share their content in your social media accounts
  • Leave comments on their blog. The sooner you can do this after content is published, the betterleverage social media influencers in your marketing
  • Reply and comment on their posts as well as sharing them on social media
  • Mention their posts and work in other blog comments you leave and in your own content
  • Figure out which is their preferred communication method. Some prefer email, while some accept direct messages on social media
  • If you feel you know them well enough, spend some time setting up your outreach email
  • If you’re asking them to share some of your content, only pitch them something they are interested in, and
  • If your content is generally good and of value and is congruent with that of the influencer, offer to guest post on their blogs.

I hope these tips will help you grow your following by making use of the social media marketing influencers out there. Be sure to stay positive and create great content as you do. Have a lovely day and thank you for reading. Comments are welcome, so please leave your thoughts.

The post How To Do Social Media Marketing So Influencers Notice You appeared first on Put Your Family First.

The post, How To Do Social Media Marketing So Influencers Notice You was originally published here: via

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